Template:En Lang Diritto Esercizio salute: differenze tra le versioni

Da Wiki Inmp.
Riga 35: Riga 35:
   <td style="text-align: center;">
   <td style="text-align: center;">
rect 0 0 55 39 [http://wiki.inmp.it/wiki_ar/index.php/الحق_في_الصحة_و_ممارسة_الخدمة_الصحية al-ʿArabiyyah]
rect 0 0 55 39 [http://wiki.inmp.it/wiki_ar/index.php/الحق_في_الصحة_و_ممارسة_الخدمة_الصحية al-ʿArabiyyah]
desc none
desc none
Riga 42: Riga 42:
   <td style="text-align: center;">
   <td style="text-align: center;">
rect 0 0 55 39 [http://wiki.inmp.it/wiki_sq/index.php/E_drejta_për_shëndetin_dhe_ushtrimi_i_saj Shqipe]
rect 0 0 55 39 [http://wiki.inmp.it/wiki_sq/index.php/E_drejta_për_shëndetin_dhe_ushtrimi_i_saj Shqipe]
desc none
desc none

Versione delle 10:55, 29 ott 2015


ItalianoFlag of Italy 28x39.png
EnglishFlag of the United Kingdom 28x39.png
FrançaisFlag of France 28x39.png
EspañolFlag of Spain 28x39.png
al-ʿArabiyyahFlag of the Arab League 26x40.png
ShqipeFlag of the Arab League 26x40.png
BanglaFlag of Bangladesh 28x39.png